Thursday, September 28, 2006

kattie Sept.28

Well.. Thanx steven!.. I guess you didn't notice me shaking my head, but now I'm doing it! I'm feeling really nervous writting this, because.. I'm not usually one to blurt out answers and now I have to this on my own.. and then actual people are gonna read it, and thats going to be scary.. so anyway.. I suppouse I should just start talking about math.. so I can get this done sooner.. haha ! yay the song just told me it was nervous to! okay! I'll stop.

K well in our exciting math class today we learned more about Vertex's. (yay) So the diffenition of a vector is the quanitity possessing both magnetitude and direction. This means they have a "how much" and a "which way." (any kind of push or pull force)

well i hope.. i did it good enough.. i didn't really kno what everyone was expecting. but here it is! and.. ohh . now i get to pick a person.. Marsha!! i don't believe she has been picked.. hope your excited marsh! because it is a lot of fun! yay math<3

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Steven's Wednesday Post

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Jyles Sept 21

Matrix Network

Direct route connectivity
In a matrix “o”means no connectivity, “l”means 1 connection, etc.


Jyles' diagrams will be posted as separate images....there will be 5 of them on a post after this one...sorry...RM

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ticklefish...Wednesday, Sept 20

Ticklefish here,
I would first like to start off my blog in-put by saying ...
I am very happy for you, your wife, and son, that there is a new family member in your home.
Second of all...
And finally...
Ok, I feel better now.
So, since nothing really happened today, other then it being a work day, and the test on friday being postponed to tuesday, I think that I will give y'all a great joke! It has nothing whatsoever to do with with math but it sure is a knee slapper!
A piece of string walks into a bar. The bartender says, "You'll have to leave. We don't serve strings here." The string walks into another bar. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve strings here." The string is a little miffed now. So he tousles up his hair, ties a knot in his middle, and goes to a third bar. The bartender says, "We don't serve string here. You are a string aren't you?" The string says, "No, I'm a frayed knot."
More jokes such as this one can be found at the site below.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Skittles on Sept. 19

To me, the hardest part of doing an assignment is actually getting it started, the beginning is the worst. And yesterday, I was handed the torch (not a real one of course, but a symbolic one) if being the classes next scribe. And then my mind went into an alarmed state when I discovered that we would have no lesson, so it would be my job to decide what the class needs to know.So, I decided to start in the most logical place, with the fact we have a test coming up on Friday, yes Friday, you read that right so now you can go jump start your heart. It would be a good idea then to finish all of your assigned work; all of exercise one and two, numbers one to four on exercise four, and seeing as it doesn't say otherwise, I would assume all of five, seven and eight are due too. And those are all to be done for Wednesday. And if you managed to get all of that done, we were to work on accelerated math; there is a proposed test for that sometime around next Wednesday, that gives you about a week to get the work done and everything scanned.


I really don't think there is much else I could say, maybe a joke? A dog, cat and a parrot walk into a bar, and the bartender says, 'What is this a joke?' Okay I was just kidding about that, how about I write a math joke instead?
One day, Jesus said to his disciples: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like 3x squared plus 8x minus 9." A man who had just joined the disciples looked very confused and asked Peter: "What, on Earth, does he mean by that?" Peter replied: "Don't worry - it's just another one of his parabolas."
Aha, not the greatest, but thats the best I have for now, and now it is my turn to pick tomorrows scribe, I could be like everyone else so far, and pick someone from the one side of the room, but I am going to switch it up and pick someone from the other side of the room, so with this, I pass on the symbolic torch to Lindsay.
Thank you and good day,

Monday, September 18, 2006

The World According To Infedros...

This is my first post so it wil hopefuly be my worst. On friday the 15th, September 2006 we were given an assignment but no notes so the assignment is excercise 6 1-6 but yu only have to three, any three that is.And we are also suposed to set up a account for school. Instructions for this should be posted already on the blog. That pretty much sums up friday no note just work so remember use tecnology its your friend until it trys to get you then it isnt unless you can beat it then it might just sit back and wait for another chance (twitch twitch). the nxt to scribe shall be kim at complete randomness or is it muwahahahaha!
Signed Infedros

Kim September 18th

I'm sorry my class summary is late but my email wasn't working properly.

Hello!!!! What’s up with everybody? In math today we went over the answers to Exercise 6 and learned about Even / Odd Tracebility.

Even / Odd tracebility rule
You need this terminology:
Vertex = node = place on a network diagram where "connections" meet.
Edge = route = way to get to / from a "connection".

Even node (has 2,4,6....) ways in/out.
Odd node (has 1,3,5,7.....) ways in/out.
I chose Nicole for tomorrows scribe……so till next time……byes!!
- K.M.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Squeaker's Transition Diagram

Squeaker (September 14)

Squeaker says:

Hello and how are you?
So I guess it’s my turn to be the scribe for today (September 14, 2006) so here it goes.

Transition Matrices

In this subsection of the unit on matrix modeling, we will predict the outcomes of ‘switching behavior’ examples using matrix multiplication techniques to track that behavior over time.

Applications: marketing
Air traffic control
Computer science (networking)
Students enrolled in mathematics (MB)

More useful format:
‾ ‾ *every row is a “1”
A .8 .14 .06 = 1.0 sum from C .02 .97 .01 = 1.0
P _ .11 .05 .84_ = 1.0

Yeah, so?
It would be worthwhile to know that at time (start) the distribution of students is:
A- 80 ‾
C- 30 - 180 PEOPLE
P- 70 _

Us a matrix [ ROW MATRIX!!]
B= [ 80 30 70]

Rules: (to find next cycle’s distribution)
Row Matrix- 1 X n Transition matrix- nXn
(“Initial condition”) (percentage breakdown by
( “market share” ) category w/”1” sums)
1X3 3X3

So, we get
[B] • [A] = [74 44 64]
1X3 3X3 1X3
* The total number of students is STATIC?

So, if need to see stability (and these problems ALWAYS stabilize), do this

* N.B.! [B] • [A] = Ans ( After 1st switch)
[B] • [A] ^ (large number n)
Compared to
[B] • [A]^ (n+1 one larger number)
We see stability in this example here: A C P
[24 139 17]

And for those of you that are still wondering what N.B. stands for it is an abbreviation for a Latin phrase nota nene. This means “note well” and is used to emphasize an important point. Also I hope this helps somebody, somewhere, somehow, sometime. Tomorrow it will be the turn of number 4 to scribe the notes for the day. My first blogging experience is now done and until next time see ya.
- Squeaker

Next scribe is Infedros

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tuesday Night in my brain...

So, I'm sitting here in my classroom thinking about this whole 'connectedness' idea of what I intend for these blogs to eventually provide. As carefully (but as sincerely) as I can, I'm going to try to repeat what I've been pushing in class, and with time, some dedication on all of our parts, and maybe a little luck, things should go well....

What I think a classroom blog SHOULD be....
A safe place on the web for us as class to share with each other, as we learn together. It's supposed to be a learning community.

A place that allows for the individuality of both the instructor and students, allows us to have a sense of humour, and above all, a place that allows us to improve the status quo from a more traditional classroom instruction model.

A place that focuses mainly on course material and the human interactions that go along with being responsible for learning that material...(after all, some people say that math is hard?!)

What I think a classroom blog SHOULDN'T be........
A place to rant or vent irresponsibly, especially since THIS IS ON THE INTERNET FOREVER!!! Maybe before you post your next class scribe effort, ask yourself some questions like "If my Mom/Dad/Grandma/person I care about /were to read this, they'd like my contribution and support future blog posts like this", or how about "What kind of person do I appear to be if this is what I'm putting out there for the world to read today".....I'm not saying that I'm in favour of editing or censorship, but this is a classroom, this is a school, I am your teacher, and you are my students. Period.

A place to gain/maintain social status at the expense of anyone, anywhere. If it isn't positive, why post it? What good will it do? At risk of sounding like my father (who is a great guy, by the way), something like the Rotarian 4-way Test could apply here. I challenge you reading this to go out and google it, and then reply to this post with the 4-way test. (If you want to cheat, hit this link)

A terribly personal place where we all go to share our innermost feelings (uggg..). I'm not likely to discuss the details of my soon-to-be-born second child's delivery, nor my plans for Christmas vacation on my school/classroom blog. It just isn't the place for such things.....The older I get, the more I wonder if the saying "There's a time and place for everything" makes sense, but I guess the point is that if it doesn't have much to do with math, or what's going in my classroom, it really doesn't belong on these blogs....

Enough for now...and I'm going to post this on all three of my ongoing blogs (URL's on this page)....As always, reply thoughtfully, honestly, and often....

How to Create a Account!

This may be an important way to start to share webpages, blogs, and other useful instructional sites on the web....thanks to "The Hawk" for the post...

From: The Hawk
Title: How to start your Delicous Account


To Start your delicous acoount folow thssese simple steps:

1- Go to this site, you will start at the home page

2- Click the link taht says register in the top right corner, then simply fill in all the information like screen same etc.

3-Then before you can really do anything on your account you will have to verify your email address.

4-Then just start posting all your favourite sites on your account by hitting the post link in the top left part of the screen.


September 11 Post

Jessica says:

Post a Comment On: Applied 40 After Lunch
"September 11 Post"
1 Comment -

Show Original Post

jessica said...
Thank you Reuben for the honor of letting me be the next blogger

Matrix Multiplication patterned examples because this is harder than adding and subtracting and scalar multiplication

A=[a b] [d e]=B
[c d]*[f g]
you end up with:
[AB]=[ad+bf ae+bg]
[cd+df ce+dg]

to put this in numbers:
C=[1 2] [-3 7]=D
[3 4] * [4 2]

[CD]=[(1*-3)+(2*4) (1*7)+(2*2)]
[(3*-3)+(4*4) (3*7)+(4*2)]

[CD]=[5 11]
[-1 29]

To see if a multiplication will work: if the number of columns in the first matrix matches the number of rows in the second matrix, then matrix multiplication is possible

So if Amn * Bpq, then n=p for multiplication to work
so if you have A32 * B26 multiplication will work
but if you have B26 * A32 multiplication will not work because there is a dimensions mismatch

the "Inner Dimensions" say if the multiplication will work and the "Outside Dimensions" say what the new dimensions will be

So in the above case with A32 * B26 multiplication works because the inner dimensions say it does and the new matrix will have dimensions of 3x6

thus ends my very first math blog YAY!
the next blogger will be Ashley for whenever the next class is...have fun!


Monday, September 11, 2006

Scribed From Friday, September 8th

MY FIRST BLOG… SORTA…not really…`1

Hurrah and hurray to Mr. Max’s Applied 40s After Lunch Class. This will be the first student entry and I dno really what it’s supposed to look like, but here goes nothing.
On September 7th, we started learning about Matrix Modeling. We learned that Matrix is a 2-D array of values arranged in rows and columns, rows being the vertical line of numbers and columns being the horizontal line of numbers. Dimensions of a matrix are written “mn”, where “m” equals the number of rows and “n” equals the number of columns.
On the 8th, we learned Matrix Elements. This was based on the equation Amn. “A” stands for the matrix in question, “m” and “n” meaning is as above. We learned Matrix Operations, simply addition, subtraction and multiplication. Mr. Max also taught us how to insert sets of matrices into our graphing calculators.
There are also a few key points that Mr. Max stated in class that I felt were relevant and needed to be repeated. Firstly, Mr. Max said, “We all know how lazy I am.” Yes, Mr. Max is lazy. J (Hope I still pass this class) The second thing that Mr. Max told us to remember was much more important. He said that once we learn how to do something by hand, when Mr. Max has taught you to do it with technology, never go back to doing it by hand. It is almost impossible for a computer/calculator to mess up a question, where as you may not always get your answer correct. Do not try to impress anyone by doing it by hand. Impress them by getting the answer right.
Thus ends my blog-ness. I nominate Jessica to be the next blogger. She wanted to be first, but let me have that honor. So here’s to you, Jess. J
Hope you enjoyed my blog.
Good teaching Mr. Max, keep it up.

The Captain

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hey, Hey, Hey!!

If you're reading this, we're pretty close to start to scribe our lives together this semester. I'm excited...are you?